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  3. Cybersecurity Labelling Scheme for Medical Devices, CLS(MD)

Cybersecurity Labelling Scheme for Medical Devices, CLS(MD)

FAQs on the Cybersecurity Labelling Scheme for Medical Devices (CLS(MD)), focusing on its role in enhancing the security of connected medical devices in Singapore.

Last updated 13 February 2025


1. What distinguishes Cybersecurity Labelling Scheme for IoT [CLS(IoT)] from Cybersecurity Labelling Scheme for Medical Devices [CLS(MD)]?
2. Why are there few labelled medical devices at the end of the sandbox?
3. Many medical devices applied under the CLS(MD) have not yet obtained the label. Are the medical devices currently available in Singapore secure?
4. Does the CLS(MD) scheme require the medical devices to be approved by HSA?
5. Do CLS(MD) labelled devices need to provide evidence and conformity declarations to HSA during HSA registration?
6. Can Special Access Routes (SAR) devices apply for CLS(MD)?
7. Is the CLS(MD) label recognised internationally?
8. Applications are currently closed. When and where can I apply for the CLS(MD)?
9. What are the application fees for CLS(MD)?
10. When can I receive the results of the sandbox applications?
11. Will applications that have not completed assessment or not started during sandbox phase be prioritised during mainstream?

Scheme Operations

1. If a medical device is assessed and found not to meet the CLS(MD) level it applied for, what are the next steps?
2. What is the turn-around time for an application? How many clarification rounds are required before an application assessment can be concluded.
3. Documents with a large file size of over 7MB cannot be uploaded to GoBusiness. How can these documents be provided to CSA?
4. Is there a standardised Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) template for manufacturers to use when engaging third-party testing laboratories?
5. How can I subscribe to updates on the CLS(MD)?

Testing Laboratories

1. What are the testing laboratories that manufacturers may engage for CLS(MD)?

Labelling Requirements

1. What is the validity period of the CLS(MD) label? Does the validity of the label remain if the device has been updated after the label was issued?
2. Do manufacturers need to inform both CSA and HSA if a device has been affected by security vulnerabilities?
3. How will the CLS(MD) label be provided? How should the CLSMD) label be affixed or displayed?
4. When are manufacturers required to display the label after obtaining the CLS(MD) label?
5. Where can I find the list of CLS(MD) labelled medical devices?