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Public Outreach
FAQs on CSA’s public outreach efforts, including campaigns and initiatives aimed at raising cybersecurity awareness and promoting safe online practices across Singapore.
Can I print or distribute the resources I download from the CSA website?
You can print and distribute the resources you download from the CSA website for personal, non-commercial use only provided that you do not modify the resources and that you retain all logos and copyright notices contained in the resources. Please email contact@csa.gov.sg if you have further queries.
Does the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) provide public education materials on cybersecurity?
You can access the CSA's Resources for practical tips and downloadable resources on how to protect yourself online.
Individuals and organisations can subscribe to SingCERT's mailing list to receive alerts and advisories on how to pre-empt cyber incidents or check out the SG Cyber Safe Programme for Organisations. The SG Cyber Safe Programme helps Singapore organisations better protect themselves in the digital domain and enhance their cybersecurity.
Does the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) conduct surveys on cybersecurity awareness?
The Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) conducted the Cybersecurity Public Awareness Survey in 2023. The findings of the latest public awareness survey are available here.