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SCCS Updates
Singapore Common Criteria Scheme Updates.
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Transition to CC:2022 and CEM:2022
In view of CCRA’s transition policy to CC:2022 and CEM:2022, CCV3.1R5 version is the last from the 3.1 series, and may optionally be used for evaluation starting no later than the 30 June 2024. Hence, new applications after 30 June 2024 shall be compliant to CC:2022 and CEM:2022.
-- Updated on 11 July 2024
Singapore is a Common Criteria Certificate Authorising Nation
Singapore attained the status of a Certificate Authorising Nation in January 2019 under the Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement. Common Criteria (CC) is the de facto standard for cybersecurity standard certification around the world. The CC Certification Body set up by CSA will ensure that product evaluation that is undertaken conforms to the strict requirements of the CC standards. The CC certificates are mutually recognised across 30 nations. These certificates will be posted on the Common Criteria Portal.
-- Updated on 8 March 2019
Singapore Common Criteria Scheme Fees
CSA has waived the application fees for the SCCS until further notice.
-- Updated on 8 March 2019
Archived Updates
Industry Consultation for the Proposed Preliminary Assessment Report Template
CSA has developed the Preliminary Assessment Report (PAR) Template to improve the SCCS Application Process and ensure the application’s scope of evaluation is clearly identified and the readiness of the developer prior to application submission. Upcoming, the CCTL shall perform preliminary assessment based on the PAR template as part of the deliverables for application package. The PAR shall be signed off by both CCTL and Developer. The PAR Version 1.0 will be released tentatively in April 2024 and may optionally be used as part of the deliverables for application package after the release. New application package submitted after 31st May 2024 shall include PAR.
Industry Consultation for the Proposed PAR Template is closed.
-- Updated on 26 January 2024
Common Criteria (Specialisation) Training (Postponed)
As part of CSA’s strategy to build a strong community of practice in product evaluation and certification, CSA is organising a five-day Common Criteria (Specialisation) training course from 20 to 24 April 2020 . The five-day Common Criteria (CC) training course aims to provide CC evaluators, developers, certifiers and project managers with basis CC evaluation skills. There will be a two-hour test at the end of the training.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Common Criteria (Specialisation) Training from 20 to 24 April 2020 is postponed until further notice.
-- Updated on 1 July 2020
Common Criteria (Specialisation) Training (April 2020)
As part of CSA’s strategy to build a strong community of practice in product evaluation and certification, CSA is organising a five-day Common Criteria (Specialisation) training course from 20 to 24 April 2020 . The five-day Common Criteria (CC) training course aims to provide CC evaluators, developers, certifiers and project managers with basis CC evaluation skills. There will be a two-hour test at the end of the training.
If your organisation is keen to participate in this training course, kindly nominate no more than two employees. Please submit the completed CC training registration form [22kb] to nites@csa.gov.sg before 27 Mar 2020, 6pm. Please indicate “Registration for CC (Specialisation) Training 20-24 Apr 2020” in the subject line.
Selected participants will receive an email confirmation before 31 March 2020.
Terms and Conditions
This training course is fully sponsored by CSA as part our advocacy for security-by-design, as well as to grow the community and build the ecosystem for product development, evaluation and certification. Registration of interest does not guarantee course placement. Priority will be given to organisations that develop IT security products, with the intent of submitting their products for CC evaluation and certification. Participants must achieve at least 80% attendance, failing which CSA may disallow the organisation from attending future courses organised by CSA. If a participant is unable to attend the course, please send a written notice to nites@csa.gov.sg at least 2 weeks before course commencement. CSA reserves the right to change course dates, times and/or trainers or cancel the course.
-- Updated on 27 February 2020
International Common Criteria Conference 2019
CSA hosted the 18th International Common Criteria Conference (ICCC) in conjunction with the Singapore International Cyber Week (SICW) 2019 on 1-3 October 2019 at Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre.
The annual ICCC is the leading international forum for the Common Criteria industry, bringing together global thought-leaders, certification bodies, evaluation labs, product developers and policy makers. Focusing on the specification, development, evaluation, certification and approval of Common Criteria in IT security products, ICCC has organised 17 successful annual conferences held around the world. The theme for ICCC 2019 was Common Criteria in the Era of Global Digital Transformation.
-- Updated on 6 Dec 2019
Common Criteria Industry Awareness Workshop
CSA is organising a full-day Common Criteria Industry Awareness Workshop on 22 May 2019 (Wednesday). The workshop aims provide participants with an understanding of the Common Criteria (CC) and to help companies develop world-class security products. To register, please submit your name, designation and contact number to nites@csa.gov.sg by 15 May 2019, 6pm. Please indicate “Registration for Industry Awareness Workshop 22 May 2019” in the subject line. More details will be provided upon registration.
-- Updated on 30 April 2019
Common Criteria (Specialisation) Training (January 2019)
As part of CSA’s strategy to build a strong community of practice in product evaluation and certification, CSA will be organising a five-day Common Criteria (Specialisation) training course from 21 to 25 January 2019.
The five-day Common Criteria (CC) training course aims to provide CC evaluators, developers, certifiers and project managers with basic CC evaluation skills. There will be a two-hour test at the end of the training.
Registration for the training course has ended. Participants who have been selected would have received an email confirmation by 31 December 2018. For any further questions or to receive updates on future training dates, please email nites@csa.gov.sg.
Terms and Conditions
This training course is fully sponsored by CSA as part our advocacy for security-by-design, as well as to grow the community and build the ecosystem for product development, evaluation and certification. Registration of interest does not guarantee course placement. Priority will be given to organisations that develop IT security products, with the intent of submitting their products for CC evaluation and certification. Participants must achieve at least 80% attendance, failing which CSA may disallow the organisation from attending future courses organised by CSA. If a participant is unable to attend the course, please send a written notice to nites@csa.gov.sg at least 2 weeks before course commencement. CSA reserves the right to change course dates, times and/or trainers or cancel the course.
-- Updated on 14 Jan 2019