Cyber Aid
Report your cybersecurity incident to SingCERT
Use this tool to describe your cybersecurity incident – we will help you identify the issue and offer advice on how to resolve it.
If you are an IT specialist, please use our technical form instead.
Before you continue
SingCERT can only take reports on incidents based in Singapore. If the affected individual or organisation and the source of the incident are outside of Singapore, please submit your report to another CERT.
What kind of incidents can I report to SingCERT?
We encourage reporting of cybersecurity incidents to SingCERT. This enables us to understand the scope and nature of cyber incidents, as well as alert and assist a broader range of individuals and organisations.
Phishing, extortion, scam emails
(send us your email header at our Report a Phishing Email initiative)Phishing websites
Ransomware attacks
Website defacements
Malware hosting/Command and Control Servers
Unauthorised attempts (either failed or successful) to disrupt or gain access to a network, system or its data
For more information, please refer to our FAQ page.
Please note that:
Cybercrime is a serious criminal offence in Singapore where the Police are the relevant authority to investigate such offences. You should lodge a Police report at e-services, if you think you may have been the victim of a cybercrime.